Failure does not exist!

I get a lot of people who ask me about failure, and why they keep failing in their private and professional lives.
What if failure meant something else?
I do not like the definition of the word failure. If you look the word up in the dictionary, it says,"Lack of success". But first we must define what success means, and I truly believe, that what we were taught has changed! We now need to change with it!
When I was growing up, success was a word that defined people like Doctors, Accountants, people who had property and people who had money. Yes those things are great to have and to be, but is that real success? #success
Your definition of success
If you were not programmed a definition of success, what might that mean to you? As a healer, and spiritual mentor to to some of the worlds most famous people, I can tell you, that these people who have reached the pinnacle of what others may see as success, although successful, are still searching for something else within. I have found that mostly, success to them is true peace of mind; and that is where we must start to define what that actually means to us.
What is your peace of mind?
"True peace of mind, is presence. When you can be fully present in whatever the moment it is that you exist in, you become the observer. As an observer you can then shape what you observe." (Sofia Hayat)
What a powerful statement I just made there! Imagine shaping what you see! Yes you can do that, and when you do, failure cannot exist. Yes it is a heightened state of consciousness, or subconsciousness, (depending on your school of thought), and it is within your reach.
Get Inspired
Imagine that everything that you think you have failed in in life, was actually training. Each time you think you failed, what did you learn? Become the observer in the situations and remove any emotional attachment to the situation and just observe. In this case you are observing from the present to the past, like revising before a test. You will see the mistakes that you made, and when you see them, write them down. Sometimes you will see that you made the same mistakes for many situations, other times, you will see different mistakes.
Think of it like this, when iphone introduces the latest iphone, they always have a bunch of people who test the phone out, and if there are any issues, they go back and "re-programme" the phone so that it functions better. Essentially this is what failure is, and from failure, you can reprogramme and tweak, until what you want is present.
Failure does not exist, only opportunities to grow! And that is a gift, therefore, failure is a true gift!
Namaste Shalom Salaam.
Gaia Mother Sofia Hayat
copywrite sofia hayat 2019